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Topeak JoeBlow Roadie EX Floor Pump

Original price was: $79.92.Current price is: $70.92.



A floor pump specifically designed for road bikes and other high pressure tires

Features a large 3.5″ easy-to-read base-mounted analog gauge for measuring tire pressure quickly and accurately. An optimally sized steel barrel provides high pressure, up to 160 psi / 11 bar effortlessly. Equipped SmartHead® pump head automatically adjusts to fit either Presta or Schrader valves and is one of the best value floor pumps on the market.


Head SmartHead® with extra-long hose
Barrel Painted Steel
Handle / Base Engineering grade polymer
Gauge 160 psi / 11 bar, 3.5” base mount analog
Dimensions 66 x 24.5 x 18 cm
Weight 1.14 kg
Volume Per Stroke 310 cc
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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